Friday, November 9, 2018

Harwood Middle School Update, November 9, 2018

Harwood Middle School Update, November 9, 2018 

HUMS student Caring about making healthy choices and helping others do the same at the
Vermont Kids Against Tobacco (VKAT) Conference.
Two 8th grade students and one 7th grader joined middle school students all over the state with Vermont Kids Against Tobacco (VKAT) at Lake Morey with our school counselor, Jen, on Wednesday. Starting in 2016, VKAT is supported by the Health Department’s Tobacco Control Program and the Vermont Agency of Education. VKAT is a stepping stone for middle school-aged youth to gain leadership and community engagement skills.
The goals of VKAT are to reduce youth smoking rates and to create and support youth leaders by:
• Educating peers about the dangers of smoking.
• Raising awareness of the tobacco industry’s advertising and marketing tactics.
• Modeling healthy behaviors for younger students.

Students led our first evening of conferences this past
Thursday evening as a way to Connect with their families about their
learning opportunities/successes so far this year.  We will send out a survey to families to provide feedback on how it went for you.  

HUMS Students Curious about the past.
7th grade archeologist explore items found in a Warren, VT dig site by engaging in a game designed by our school librarian.  A great hands on/minds on opportunity.  

Nov 13 Final School Engagement Workshop - RSVP!
Dear members of our six town community,
       The HUUSD School Board would like to invite members of the public, faculty, students, and HUUSD administrative team to the community engagement workshop on November 13, from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Food will be provided. Please RSVP at this link: (note, the rvsp is also available on the board page of the district website (
This is the final workshop related to our work with our engagement consultants and will build on learning and themes that came out of the September 26 workshop held at the Waterbury Municipal Offices.
Key outcomes for the Nov 13 workshop are:
1. To identify and prioritize district-wide and school based issues that will require significant engagement in the coming months and years
2. To establish a set of possible roles and possible responsibilities related to district and school-level engagement work
3. To identify existing infrastructure, assets and barriers to implementing engagement across the district
We hope to see you there!
The HUUSD Board: Christine Sullivan (Waitsfield)  *Chair, Caitlin Hollister (Waterbury)  *Vice Chair, Alycia Biondo (Warren), Jill Ellis (Fayston), Gabe Gilman (Moretown), Linda Hazard (Moretown), Garett MacCurtain (Duxbury), Maureen McCracken (Waterbury), Theresa Membrino (Fayston), Melissa Phillips (Waterbury), Torrey Smith (Duxbury), Alexandra Thomsen  (Waterbury), Rosemarie White (Warren), Rob Williams (Waitsfield)

Monday Practice Times at CBMS:
3:15-4:15- combined 7th grade- both boys and girls
4:15-5:15- 8th boys
5:15-6:15- 8th girls

Tuesday, Wed, and Fri Practice Times at CBMS: 
3:15- 4:15- 7th grade girls
4:15-5:15- 7th grade boys
5:15-6:15- 8th grade girls
6:15-7:15- 8th grade boys

October 2018

Nov 14
Student led conferences
Nov 24, 25, 26
Thanksgiving Break

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