Friday, April 5, 2019

Harwood Middle School Update, April 5, 2019

Curious about their future?  
7th and 8th Grade Students participated in our Annual
CBMS/HUMS Career Day Fair this past week.  Over 25 presenters were on hand
to offer their experiences/information on various career opportunities. 
Ask your HUMS student about what they want to be...  

th Graders CBMS/HUMS connected through some games
led by Hosmer Point Director Jon Hammond this past week.
For many students, it was the first time they met their
2023 graduating classmates.  

Curious and Connected
HUMS 7th graders welcomed potential 6th-grade students to our school this past
week as part of HUUSD school choice program.  6th graders spent the day
shadowing 7th graders to get a feel of what it would be like to be at HUMS.  

HUMS Cares.
HUMS students took part in understanding the recent results of
our Youth Behavioral Risk Survey.  A group of 7th and 8th-grade student took part in various activities examine the results and plan to spread the word about what it means
for future action steps.  

What is Getting to Y:  GTY is an initiative where a few students analyze the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and identify strengths and concerns within the WWSU school community. Once we've identified these areas together, we will use the results to think of some things we can change and do to improve the Harwood community. Still want to learn more? Getting to Y

What is the Youth Risk Behavior (YRBS) Survey: An anonymous survey usually issued in our district bi-annually asking students about risk-taking behavior. Middle and high school students all over the country take this survey every year! 

What are you asking my student to do:  The Getting to Y data analysis retreat at school led by peers and be part of solutions in making positive change in the Harwood community

HUUSD School District Survey:

What are YOUR 3 words?

      The HUUSD Visioning Committee would like input from our communities on developing a vision for our district. By taking this short survey, you can help shape the vision that will guide decision-making at all levels in our schools.  The survey is available online at: and we ask for your reply by Friday, April 12. One of the key questions in the survey may require some thought. It asks: “What are three words that represent your hopes for what our school district will be like in the next several years?”  We have provided a word cloud on the district website - as well as in the survey itself - in case you need help getting into a frame of mind to answer this question, but we encourage you to use your own words! Your responses to this survey will help us decide what topics to include in the vision conversations we plan to host this spring toward more concrete vision and goals statements. There will also be links to the survey on the school district main page ( as well as the HUUSD board page (, and hard copies can be filled out at the local town office or library in all six towns.

We look forward to hearing from you!


The HUUSD Board 

HUUSD Board Meeting Recap

Dear members of our six town community,

At our last meeting on March 27, 2019, the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board took action on the six (6) items below (listed in order of the time in the meeting when the vote occurred):
  • Approved consent agenda including approving minutes of 3/13/19, annual meeting (3/4/19) minutes and an out of state field trip; and accepting vouchers #1193, 1194, 1204 and 1213 equaling $636,610.96
  • Adopted these 2 motions related to the work plan and prek-12 plan after discussion and amendment:
    • Task the Asset Management group to review the “Getting to yes” and “Questions” worksheets, compile the data, and report back to the board;
    • Taskboard leadership, the superintendent, and board committee chairs to develop a draft timeline for the board to review; (related to the bond and the preK-12 plan) as early as April 10th but no later than April 24th.
  • Appointed Tim Jones and Maureen McCracken to the Fayston School Principal Search Committee.
  • Recapped, discussed, and heard public comment on the Superintendent’s report and approved incorporating such report into these minutes.The report can be found here:
  • Entered into executive session for purpose of discussing a grievance, because premature general public knowledge would clearly place the public body or a person involved at a substantial disadvantage. Upon returning to open meeting, no further action was taken.
  • Entered into executive session for the purpose of discussing an employee's contract, because doing so in public session would clearly place that employee at a substantial disadvantage. Returning to open meeting, the Board upheld the Superintendent’s recommendation for disciplinary action regarding an employee. The Board denied a leave of absence request from an employee.
  • Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 pm and will be held in the Harwood Union High School library. Starting at 6:00 pm, the Asset Management and Policy committees will meet, also in the library. Committees generally alternate meeting times and meet every other board meeting. For more information on the SMART goals that drive these committees, check the HUUSD board web page.
  • Please visit for board agendas and packets  (including committees that are meeting), detailed minutes, HUUSD Smart Goals for the 2018-2019 school year, and to find the link to watch board meetings. Meetings can be viewed online here.  archives of older meetings are also available.
  • Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
The HUUSD Board Caitlin Hollister (Waterbury)  *Chair, Torrey Smith (Duxbury) *Vice Chair, Hannah Clark (student rep, class of 2019), Jonathan Clough (Warren), Carlton Cummisky (student rep, class of 2021), Gabriel Gilman (Moretown), James Grace (Waterbury), Tim Jones (Fayston), Jake Lynn (student rep, class of 2020), Garett MacCurtain (Duxbury), Maureen McCracken (Waterbury), Theresa Membrino (Fayston), Kristen Rodgers (Moretown), Christine Sullivan (Waitsfield), Alexandra Thomsen (Waterbury), Jeremy Tretiak (Waitsfield), Rosemarie White (Warren)

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

SHREK THE MUSICAL we will be presented by Harwood Union, April 4&5 at 7:30pm, April 6 at 1:30 and 7:30pm. Tickets are $10/adult and $5/student.

Harwood's Refugee Outreach Club is collecting raincoats, boots and umbrellas for resettling families in Vermont. This drive will take place Friday, April 5th --Friday, April 26th. A donation box will be located in Waitsfield School Library. All donated products will be given to the VT U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). These products will then be available too all USCRI clients. If you would prefer to donate money to our diaper/sanitary drive rather than to donate specific products checks can be made out to the Harwood Refugee Club and sent to Harwood (458 VT-100, Moretown, VT 05660 ). Any and all donations are greatly appreciated!

Fayston and Moretown School Fundraiser  Vermonte Carlo Night, April 6, Mt Ellen Lodge at Sugarbush. Doors open at 7pm.  Tickets are $25 at the door.  Music by The Grift and BBQ Buffet by Localfolk Smokehouse.

Valley Players Anniversary Season shows coming up: Harvey 5/31-6/16.  For a list of plays throughout their anniversary year, visit

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