Friday, June 7, 2019

Harwood Middle School Update, June 7, 2019

Please note:   The last day of school is Friday,  June 14th.  Harwood Union's dismissal time is 12:30.  There will not be a blog post on June 14th, instead, the Final HUMS Blog post will be completed during the week of June 17th.  Have a great last week of school.

Take A Bow... 
Awesome musical performance By Harwood Middle School this past week of
"Alice in Wonderland Jr". 
 Hard work paid off as the show was a huge success.  Some comments after the show
"That was just  awesome", "What a Fun Performance", "Best I've seen", "Excellent"  
Thank you to all who helped to make this a success.

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Step UP Day provided your students with an opportunity to meet their teachers and become familiar with their 9th-grade-course schedule.
The high school master schedule is a complex process which is a work in progress that starts with Step UP Day and continues beyond the first day of school.  
The master schedule is subject to revision until the beginning of school next year. Revisions may affect students schedules. Students will receive an updated schedule in August with the back to school packets.
Please know that Tara Cariano will be the school counselor for students who have McCormick/Stauss for Global Studies and Erin Dezell will be the school counselor for students who have Ibson/Shepler.
Please note we are not able to accommodate teacher or team requests.  Requests to change electives are based on the availability of the course and there is an Add/Drop period the first five days of school.
If you have questions between now and the end of the school year, please continue to contact your student’s current school counselor.

The Harwood Union & Crossett Brook School Counseling Departments
7th Grade Lift-Up Letters were delivered today..It was an amazing testament to the power of the written word and how it
connects our caring community together.   

Interested students and parents, please come to an informational meeting:
Tuesday, June 11
Room 307
Harwood Union

Students currently in grades 8-11 are eligible for this travel opportunity.

For more info, contact Monsieur Grace ( or
Madame/Señora Smith (

HUMS advocates recognize PRIDE Month
The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the positive impact LGBT people have had in the world.
All parents are invited to attend our award ceremony on June 14th from 9:00 - 10am in the HS auditorium. Please note that this is a change of time from our original message. we apologize
for any inconvenience.   

On Thursday, June 6th, Liz contacted the parents whose child(ren) will be receiving an award at the event.

As summer vacation approaches students look forward to less structure and more opporutnites to connect with friends outside of our busy school schedule. Open time is great - what they do with it can lead to some problems.   The following article may help parents/families explore how this open opportunity to understand
the impact of Social Media on relationships and overall growth.   Click below:
Article regarding Social Media and Middle School Age kids

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Mad Mile for Kids July 6, 9:00am at   Elementary School.  To register to visit the Mad Marathon tent at the: Inn on Friday, July 5th 4-7pm or Saturday, July 6, 8:30am at Waitsfield School. Download a registration form at>Mad Mile. For more information contact Joe Robinson at


Free Parent Workshop: Helping Your Kids to Be all That They Can Be June 6th, 6-8pm, Crossett Brook Middle School Cafeteria. Come join us for a night of parenting support and laughter with Charlie Appelstein as we learn positive strength-based approaches to growing our children to be the best that they can be.  We will look at many topics including the decoding of problem behavior, mindset changing, self-esteem building, helping inflexible/explosive children, humor at home, limit setting, logical consequences and so much more. Please RSVP to Moie Moulton LaRock .  Walk ins are also welcome.  Free childcare will be provided at Moretown School.  Childcare space is limited and slots will be first come first serve so please let Moie know if you would like to reserve a spot.

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1 comment:

  1. I found this website really useful. I have a simple question…do you find international schools tend to more often than not hire teachers who have previous experience in an international school? Are teachers who haven’t worked in an international school before at a disadvantage? I’d appreciate some insight! Thanks (
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