Friday, January 10, 2020

Harwood Middle School Update, January 10, 2020

HUMS French 7th grade class practicing visualizing
as part of our world language programs educational tools they use
to assist with understanding language. 
The 7th grade scientists received a special delivery of 100 brook trout fish eggs from the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Fish Hatchery this past Thursday.   The fish will develop and grow nestled in the dark, chilly confines of the tank through the beginning of June. Students will release the small trout into the Dowsville Brook when the air and water temperature warm with the arrival of the changing season.
HUMS would like to welcome two UVM student teachers to the 7th grade team.
They will be with us from January to May.  Their focus areas are in English and Social Studies.  We look forward working with them!


Harwood's Flight Club working on our fleet of aircraft
during the winter months in preparation for warmer and dryer weather.  

January 2019 
Monday 20Tuesday 21 
No School for students - Inservice Trainings for all HUUSD educators 

Hello HUUSD community, 
In order to keep everyone informed about the upcoming budget for 2020-21, we have some documents that may help you.  Below you will find the board meeting recap from January 8, 2020.  
For full budget details and budget reduction scenarios, please click here to go to the website.  You may then click on the FY21 Budget Development section on the right hand side of that page for a drop-down menu.  The two latest documents are entitled "2020-01-08 Budget Reductions Per 12-18 and 1-8 board meetings" and "2020-01-08 FY21 Budget Presentation to the Board."

Board Recap 1-8-2020
Subject: HUUSD Budget update / Important meeting Jan 15th
Dear members of our six town community,
As you may have been hearing from headlines and news stories, this is a tough school budget year around the state. We want to make sure our voters are aware of the financial challenges school districts are facing and the work we are doing to address them. 
The HUUSD has been making good progress in its long-term preK-12 planning effort -- identifying major changes that will reduce operational costs across the system while also improving opportunities for our students. But even as we plan ahead to re-configure our district in the coming years, we face huge challenges right now to balance affordability and excellence in next year’s budget. The combination of reduced merger tax incentives, dramatic increases in health care costs, lower pupil counts, and property value fluctuations (among other things) mean that actual tax rates in our towns could increase by 4.0% to 8.7%.  
In response to this high number, the Board has asked for several additional budget plans to be developed -- each of which makes different levels or types of cuts -- to see if there are opportunities to reduce expenditures next year and what those opportunity costs might be. Each of the plans has pros and cons, and many of them include significant changes in how and where we teach our kids. At our next meeting on January 15th, the Board will be reviewing and choosing among the different budget drafts.
We are required to pass a budget for voter approval by January 22nd. As we prepare to narrow our choices on the 15th, we are sharing this overview of what will be on the table and our most current numbers: 
Budget #1, the original budget, is for $40,472,342. This shows a 4.8% growth in expenditures and a 4.5% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 6-cent equalized tax rate increase.
Budget #2 cuts $950,000 from Budget #1 and includes no new staff; would severely limit intra-district choice for incoming 7th and 8th graders; moves Moretown’s 5th and 6th graders to CBMS next school year; reduces elementary music offerings; and eliminates foreign language K-4. This budget of $39,720,778 shows a 2.9% increase in expenditures and a 2.1% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 2-cent equalized tax rate increase.
Budget #3 reduces Budget #1 by at least $300,000. Among other things, this budget severely limits intra-district choice (IDC) for incoming 7th and 8th graders and prohibits cuts to existing programs. This budget of $40,317,342 shows a 4.4% increase in expenditures and a 4% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 5-cent equalized tax rate increase.
Budget #4 reduces Budget #1 by at least $300,000. Among other things, this budget would add staff to CBMS to allow the district to approve most IDC applications for incoming 7th and 8th graders. It also prohibits cuts to existing programs. This budget of $40,314,842 shows a 4.4% increase in expenditures and a 4% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 5-cent equalized tax rate increase.
Budget #5 is based on moving all 7th and 8th graders in the district to CBMS for the coming fall. This budget of $39,427,342 shows a 2.1% increase in expenditures and a 1.1% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 1-cent equalized tax rate increase.
Budget #6 is based on moving all 7th and 8th graders to CBMS for the coming fall, and eliminates most new programmatic or operation additions that administrators had requested. This budget of $39,194,842 shows a 1.5% increase in expenditures and a .4% increase in equalized per pupil spending, with a 1-cent equalized tax rate reduction.
We hope you will review the details available online at by clicking on the “FY21 Budget Development” tab, and welcome you to join us at our next meetings, Wednesday, January 15th and Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:00 pm in the Harwood Union School library. 
The HUUSD Board

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Kids Pottery Classes at Blockhouse: We are offering classes 3 days a week this winter for kids ages 6-17 starting January 13th. Explorations through clay are fun, creative & therapeutic.  Visit us online to learn more and to register- Discounts available for siblings- use code SIBS10 at checkout.
NSAA Safety Month Events at Sugarbush: Breakfast with patrollers, January 12, 8-9am, in the Sleeper Room, Gate House Lodge, Lincoln Peak , $10suggested donation for the Patroller Relief Fund. French toast, bacon/sausage, coffee, juice and hot chocolate to be served. Also on January 18, 11am-1pm, at the top of Slow Poke Trail, Lincoln Peak, meet the Sugarbush Parks team and learn how to navigate features and conquer the PARKS.  The Ski & Ride team will provide tips on how to improve your form and style. Space is limited.

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