Monday, October 12, 2020

Harwood Middle School Blog update, October 12, 2020


HUMS students got creative in celebrating national smile day with Jen!  Every year on the first Friday of October the world celebrates the World Smile Day. The possibility of World Smile Day was authored and started by Harvey Ball who was a business craftsman from Worcester in Massachusetts. He is known to have made the Smiley Face in the year 1963.

HUMS Welcomes our Families to our

Caring, Connected and Curious learning Community

We are honored to welcome your family to the Harwood Middle for the 2020-21 school year.    Given our safe and healthy start to school year our HUMS's newsletter (Blog) has been a bit delayed in its publication. Now that our school's opening was successful, we will begin to send out bi-weekly blog updates for your review. Our blog will highlight ways in which our HUMS students learn, grow in teach how to become Curious, Connected and Caring community members. We are committed to creating a school program that supports these three fundamental in the following ways:

Curious Learners

We are committed to helping all of our students develop their intellectual capacity, academic skills, and social competence so that they will be prepared to effectively negotiate the demands associated with living in an ever-changing 21st century.  

Connected Learners

We are committed to instill within each student the essential principles of pride, respect and  responsibility so that they will become productive and contributing members of our interconnected school community.   

Caring Learners

We are committed to setting high expectations for all aspects of our school community.  These expectations, which have been established by our fantastically dedicated staff, will be maintained while also providing a safe and nurturing student-centered community that fosters respect for individual differences and the fundamental value that everyone matters.   

As with all educational organizations we are not perfect. We appreciate feedback about how things are going and will continuously work to improve our school's programming/community to ensure we support our students on their learning journey. Let us know how we are doing.

Be Curious, Be Caring, Be Connected, Be HUMS!  

Duane Pierson

Harwood Middle School

HUMS Teacher Advisory Programming
Supporting our Students to be Caring, Connected and Curious Learners 

Below are some updates about HUMS Teacher Advisory (TA) programming. If you have any questions about this programming, please reach out to lead TA teachers, Jen Dreimiller, Nick Gordon and Sarah Ibson. 

HUMS TA October:
  • October is Bullying prevention month and TA this month will focus on initiatives including social media and cyber-bullying prevention. Other activities will highlight inclusion, kindness, and acceptance including celebrating Unity Day on October 21. 
  • Once per week in TA, team teachers will continue to do academic check-ins with students focusing on academic progress, and/or missing assignments, and goal-setting. 
  • Stay tuned for upcoming Halloween and team building activities. We know Halloween will look different this year so some students are taking the lead in planning some fun during TA the week of Halloween!

Community Announcements

Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.


Destination Imagination: an intro to destination imagination, creative teams for kids and teens, Thursday, Oct. 15, 4:00-5:30, outdoors and social distanced in a big tent at Living Tree Alliance, 110 Living Tree Lane, Moretown.  Learn about the program and try some creative mini-challenges. RSVP by texting Melanie at 802-503-9774.  Families will sit at separate tables and wear masks while underneath the tent. For more information email:


Talking with Kids About Racism   Tuesdays, October 13, 20, and 27, 6-8pm. Hosted Online by the MRV Libraries and the Peace & Justice Center. Talking about race and racism can be difficult -- especially with children, but that does not mean we shouldn't have these conversations. This three-part program is for all people concerned about the impact of racism and/or white privilege on children. Learn tools to discuss these issues with children in a meaningful and age-appropriate way through resources, discussion, and role playing. Participants are expected to attend all three sessions unless other arrangements are made in advance with the facilitators. If the workshop fills, priority will be given to those who can attend all sessions. Registration is required and space is limited.

Register Here:



Text FLUENCY to 900900 to connect with this program being offered by Kinsa; you will receive a digital thermometer in the mail, free, and be guided in downloading an app that syncs to the thermometer.

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