Friday, October 11, 2019

Harwood Middle School update, October 11, 2019

HUMS Connecting with national leaders!
"March Book One "Book Group Travels to the Flynn 
to see Co-Authors John Lewis & Andrew Aydin 

On Tuesday, October 8, members of the March: Book One book group traveled to the Flynn Theater to see John Lewis and Andrew Aydin talk about their Award Winning Graphic Biography, March: Book One, which chronicles the life of social activist and Georgia Congressman John Lewis.  
Almost sixty years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. edited a 16-page comic book about the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Distributed by hand in churches, schools, and nonviolence workshops, it dramatized the fledgling movement and its tactics to a generation of future leaders, including a young John Lewis. Today, Congressman Lewis is continuing that legacy, using comics to educate and inspire a new generation. Congressman Lewis and co-author Andrew Aydin will visit the Flynn Center to discuss their transformative and award-winning graphic novels, The March Trilogy, bringing Lewis’ memories of the civil rights movement to urgent new life as a catalyst for vital discussions about diversity, society, and active engagement in one's community, in ways that are not just historical, but directly relevant to today's world.  

Some of John Lewis' statements of wisdom included: "Don't Hate," "Never Give Up!," "When you see injustice, Find a way to get in the way"and "Have faith in non-violent solutions to social issues."

The book group is being offered by Sarah Ibson, Barbara Kohn-Saxe, HU Librarian Genny Knight, and Jacki McCarty and will conclude with final project presentations on October 21.

7th grade scientists making good use of this week's
beautiful weather to learn about the world around them. 
Trees, flowers, mushrooms, fish, owls, wolves, wild cats, snakes, birds....lots of great
effort going into classification projects as
students learn how scientists organize living creatures in
the world

7th Grade Students take time Care about how to treat each other!  
HUMS students examine the continuum of behaviors that may occur at HUMS. 
Classroom presenters, Mara Urban (Student Assistance Counselor), Jen Dreimiller (Guidance Counselor) and Duane Pierson (Principal) engage students in understanding the importance of being kind to each other.   Ask your 7th grader about the staircase of behavioural issues that
 they learned about?  

Parenting & Resilience Workshop
Oct 14, 2019, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Hannah's House is pleased to welcome Michael Ungar, PhD, one of the world's leading authorities on resilience in children, young people, and adults to speak about parenting and resilience. Save the date: Monday, October 14 at 6:00 PM at the Waitsfield Elementary School. Childcare will be available. To sign-up for free childcare contact
More about the speaker:
Dr. Ungar is the founder and Director of the Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University. His ground-breaking work as a family therapist and resilience researcher is recognized around the world. He lives in Halifax, Canada. His full bio can be found here:

For more information contact or call 496-9715

Home Made Corn Bread
Creates Smiles During TA 

Oct 14
No School - Inservice for educators
Oct 17
Harwood Union Hosts Harvestfest.  
Autumn/Harvest Activities for HUMS students begin after lunch.  Special Guest performance to end the day!  
Oct 18 
CBMS dance for grade 7 - 8  
7:00 - 9:00 

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Ski Racing Program The Mad River Glen Junior Race Program is the season-long racing program for children ages 6-18 run by the Mad River Glen Race Department. Our program is dedicated to providing quality training and competition experiences to skiers. We create athletes that are competitive at all junior levels of competition through high quality coaching, focused training and a premier skiers’ playground. Our program is focused on creating an environment for healthy competition, sportsmanship and character development. Depending on the age, we offer a limited Saturday only program or our full program, which gives the athlete access to over 70 days of organized training per year. The Junior Race Program, through the Race Department at Mad River Glen, provides the coaching and technical support necessary for junior athletes to achieve their personal best. Our group size is usually less than ten and we always have two coaches working with each group, therefore an excellent athlete to coach ratio. Sign up here by October 15 to get our preseason rate offer. For additional information, please contact the race department at

Have a Great Long Weekend!  

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