Friday, October 18, 2019

Harwood Middle School update, October 18, 2019

Mike Wood, an Ontario Organic Beekeeper and Performer,  capped off our
 Harvest Fest Day by catching a 
Winningstadt Cabbage on his homemade helmet.  He spoke about
bee keeping and all that goes into harvesting honey as well as told some interesting stories
about his world travels.

Harvestfest 2019 was a great success based on the reactions and feedback from our 
excellent HUMS students!  Mrs. Moore's TA took the grand pumpkin championship
for winning the most points during our festival.   HUMS would like to thank 
the wellness team, Farm to School committee and everyone who helped create
an excellent day in spite of the weather.  Harwood Middle School continues 
to work hard to build a school community that focuses on our three guiding
principals create  Curious, Caring and Connected learners (adults included). 
Without a doubt, Harvest Fest 2019 fulfilled this goal.  We look forward 
to our next community event sometime this winter.  Have a great weekend!  
It is a privilege to work and learn with such a great community! 
Mr Pierson.  

Donut Competitions..  
Apple Pressing
Indoor Planting for the winter...

Ole Fashion Pumpkin Carving
The HUMS Harvestfest
Bake Sale earned over 200.00 in donations
to provide a gift to the
Mad River Valley Community Fund!
HUMS wanted to give back to the community
as part of our Harvest Fest celebration.  Pictured above
Cookie Monster (or not)  was seen sampling the offerings.  

We are recognizing Unity day here at HUMS next Wednesday Oct. 23rd.  
We will have a TA activity/circle for HUMS to do 
        and we are asking for folks 
    to wear orange(any shade).  
Why do you get to wear that beautiful color? 
 To come together in one giant ORANGE message of hope and support. WEAR AND SHARE ORANGE to color our nation, and even the world, to visibly show that our society believes no child should ever experience bullying.  This vibrant statement becomes a conversation starter, showing support for students. who have been bullied and for bullying prevention. National Bullying Prevention Center. 
We are hoping that this event will bring even more awesomeness
😁 and positivity to HUMS!
Thanks so much for your support and help!
Hillary Wheeler (Student Support Specialist) and Jen Dreimiller (HUMS School Counselor)

Onesies and Middle School go together!  

Please note that that CBMS Dance planned for 10/18 
Has been cancelled

Please note that the Harwood Union Talent Show 
Planned for 10/18 has been cancelled.  

Oct 31
Nov 7 and 13 
Student led conferences 
Nov 27, 28, 29 
Thanksgiving Break 
Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Spring Hill School Bid & Boogie: October 26, 7pm, at Mad River Glen.  Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Music provided by The Grift. For more information and tickets cal 496-2139 or visit or

No Small Matter Join Let's Grow Kids on Tuesday, October 22 from 5:30-7:30 PM for a FREE screening of No Small Matter, a documentary about how high-quality early education is powerful and possible. We'll screen the film and have a panel discussion. We'll hear from parents, early educators, community leaders, and YOU about how we can make sure our kids get the strongest start they can, our families are supported, and our early educators are honored in their profession. Professional development credit available to early educators/ Big Picture Theater Kids welcome (activities and fidgets will be available). FREE. RSVP here:

Ski Racing Program The Mad River Glen Junior Race Program is the season-long racing program for children ages 6-18 run by the Mad River Glen Race Department. Our program is dedicated to providing quality training and competition experiences to skiers. We create athletes that are competitive at all junior levels of competition through high quality coaching, focused training and a premier skiers’ playground. Our program is focused on creating an environment for healthy competition, sportsmanship and character development. Depending on the age, we offer a limited Saturday only program or our full program, which gives the athlete access to over 70 days of organized training per year. The Junior Race Program, through the Race Department at Mad River Glen, provides the coaching and technical support necessary for junior athletes to achieve their personal best. Our group size is usually less than ten and we always have two coaches working with each group, therefore an excellent athlete to coach ratio. Sign up here by October 15 to get our preseason rate offer. For additional information, please contact the race department at 

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