Sunday, March 8, 2020

Harwood Middle School Update, March 8, 2020

HUMS assembly band practicing
for our student led assembly later this month.
Harwood Middle School has held many student led community meetings
this year in our new gallery space.  We are excited to
host our next one in the Harwood Auditorium. 
Harwood Middle School readers hard at work?
Curious about what they are reading for Stop Drop and Read times -
ask they as a conversation starter at home..   

Incoming 9th Grade Parent Night

Thursday, March 19th

HU Auditorium

Important topics to be covered:
Overview of the 9th Grade Course Registration Process,
Introduction to the Next Step Program & Flexible Pathways,
Overview of 9th Grade Supports

Questions? Contact Erin Dezell 802-583-8149/ or Jen Dreimiller at 802 - 583 8155/

Great Friends Connecting during Recess
Not everyone likes their picture taken.. 

HUUSD Combined Band Concert 
7pm-9pm, 3/10/2020 Harwood Union 

Middle School Spring Sports sign-ups are open! In the Spring, at Harwood, we will be offering MS Softball, MS Baseball, and MS Track & Field. These options are open to anyone in grades 7 and 8. 
The Preseason Meeting, where Students and Parents can meet their Spring Sports coaches, will be held on March 12th in the Harwood Auditorium.
Please sign-up ASAP at this link: MS Spring Sports Sign-Ups.

7-8 Middle School Dance at CBMS 
March 13, 7:00- 9:00 

COVID-19 Update
Dear HUUSD Families,

Here is the latest update regarding our district management of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established geographic criteria for the purpose of issuing travel health notices for countries with coronavirus transmission. Currently, the following four countries are identified as having “widespread sustained (ongoing) transmission”:

South Korea
If your child(ren) traveled to one of these countries over the February break, and you haven't already notified the district, you must complete this Google form immediately. In addition you must provide the Vermont Department of Health with your contact information so they can follow up with you on your health status. Please note that the Department of Health is directing that returning travelers whose last day in China, Italy, South Korea, or Iran was March 4 or afterwards should stay home and monitor their health for 14 days after returning to the United States. Travelers returning from Japan should monitor their health for 14 days after returning to the United States.

HUUSD is following the Vermont Department of Health guidance. If you self-quarantine during the 14 days, which begins when you return from the destination, no medical certification shall be required during this incubation period. Children will be excused for these days absent. Staff will be permitted to use sick leave for these days. Direct any questions regarding leave to the building administrator.

If a child or staff has traveled to one of the countries mentioned above (prior to March 4 return) and returns to school, they will be required to check in each morning before school with their school nurse throughout the 14-day incubation period. This monitoring accompanies daily monitoring done by the Vermont Department of Health.  

Any student, regardless of travel history, who presents with the symptoms of coronavirus (fever, cough, AND difficulty breathing), shall be isolated and parents/caregivers will be asked to pick up their child and contact their health care professional for an evaluation.  Staff presenting with these symptoms are asked not to come to work and to contact their health care professional for further guidance.

The district cannot mandate staff who have traveled and are asymptomatic not to come to work or students not to come to school. Following the direction of the Vermont Department of Health, we are monitoring all students and staff for symptoms of coronavirus. You can find our working response plan here; we will update it as new guidance is provided. 
If you have any questions, please reach out and let me know. 
Brigid Nease
Superintendent of Schools

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend.
Don't forget to "spring forward" and turn your clock ahead one hour today, "Sunday"  

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

We believe that hands-on education in an outdoor classroom is fundamental to the healthy development of self, citizens and communities. This camp occurs during the local school vacation week in April and integrates leadership development, team building, nature studies, outdoor living skills, and team building into a FUN educational experience. Daily activities include nature walk and spring plant identification, outdoor herb medicinals, fire making, natural horsemanship class, and horse care/grooming. This camp is all about exploring and discovering adventure – inside and out. contact us at

TDI Summer Camp 2020!  Parents and teachers--do you have an advanced, gifted, or creative child, entering grades 4-9, who would love to have fun with intellectual peers this summer, while exploring a wide variety of topics?  Consider sending them to the Talent Development Institute (TDI Summer Camp) 2020!  A sample of our classes includes: Computer Game Design, The World Outside, Fabric Arts, Writing and Laughing, Rube Goldberg Machines, Almost History, Gravity-Powered Catapults, Digital Design, The Game of Civilization, Gathering Magic, and Powerful Podcasts!  TDI Summer Camp takes place on the beautiful campus of Northern Vermont University, Johnson, Vermont.  Students may come for one or two weeks, June 21-27 and/or June 28-July 4, 2020.  There are overnight and commuter options, and partial scholarships are available. For more information, go to or email         

Mad River Glen's Skiing for Scholars Program Free all-mountain lift tickets for students from 2-5pm, includes free ski, boot, and pole rentals(helmets not included). Parent or legal guardian must be present to sign forms. In addition there is a  free Learn To Ski program featuring two 3-week sessions with Mad River Glen Ski School instructors.  The Learn To Ski program is for new skiers only.  Sessions are March 13,  20 , 3:30-5pm.  Pre-registration is required, call 802-496-3551 ext 135 or email There is also a free "Fast Start", an introduction to racing for the more experienced skiers interested in learning basic ski race techniques and the thrill of running set courses with video analysis.  This group will meet weekly 3:30-4:30, meet at the flag pole. To learn more visit:

TRIP Dance Company Performance  Come watch  TRIP’s passionate, competitive, local dancers hit the stage at Spruce Peak Performing Art Center on Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21 at 7pm. During the year, the dancers attend some of the industry’s leading dance competitions where they take challenging classes, learn new choreography, and get inspiration from the innovators and well-known choreographers of the dance industry.  The Company will perform a variety of dance genres, all of which will be certain to entertain.  Hope to see you there.  See link below to view available seats, starting at $16 per ticket.TRIP Dance Company Performance - Spruce Peak Performing Arts

Little League Softball and Baseball Registration Mad River Valley Little League provides a safe and fun environment for Boys and Girls(Ages 4 to 12) to learn and develop the love for Baseball and Softball.  Developing essential life skills of working in a team environment all while having a blast and building life long friendships.  Registration is now open online at  Take advantage of early registration discounts now through March 10th. Reach out to if you have any questions regarding our Programs.

Everybody Wins Pizza & Game Night March 12th 6-7pm in the Waitsfield School gym.  All Everybody Wins families and mentors are invited to this free pizza dinner and game night.

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