Sunday, November 8, 2020

Harwood Middle School Blog update, November 8, 2020

Curious About our Water
7th grade scientists continued their water quality investigation by collecting water samples and testing for different variables, including, pH, phosphorous, nitrates and dissolved oxygen

Dear HUMS Families;


The end of quarter one is upon us and it is time to hold our first family conference meeting.  In our conferences, we hope to build upon our August welcome meetings, continuing to celebrate what is working well and consider what remains challenging for your child.  Our 7th grade students will share reflections on their transition to HUMS, and share samples of school work and progress made thus far. Our 8th grade students will reflect on their return to a very different HUMS as well as their learning so far this year.   The conversations will be a time to reflect on strengths, and areas in need of support, allowing you to see what your child has been learning and share in their accomplishments.

What: Student Led Conferences

Who: Student, Parent/Guardian, Teacher Advisor

When: November 12th from 3:30-6:00 or 17th from 3:00-6:00

How: Through Zoom meetings

Sign Up:  

  • 7th Grade TA’s will be sending out a table to sign up for these conferences


  •  8th Grade families should use this link to sign up for family conferences:   

                   LINK:  8th grade sign up for conference 11/12-11/17 

Thank you for the ongoing support of your student’s growth and learning.

HUMS pictures will be taken this coming week.
11/9 - 7th Grade - Renz and Selvaggio (Black Group) 
11/10 - 7the Grade Potts/Gordon/8th Grade (Black Group)
11/12 - 7th grade (Gold Group) 
11/13 - 8th grade (Gold Group) 

Message from our Health Office Regarding Traveling 

What are you planning for the holidays this year? It’s hard to imagine breaking with tradition and celebrating at home, but that is what a lot of Vermont families are deciding to do in 2020. Travel does increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19, and the way you celebrate this year will have an impact on your family, community, and Vermont. Consider the level of risk you are willing to take and make plans to safely gather with loved ones or think creatively about how to connect remotely. Don’t make plans to travel or gather until you take these steps:  


1. Check the map to find out the risk of COVID-19 infection at your destination,  

2. Decide if the risk is worth it for your family,  

3. Plan to have a safe trip or gathering, remain flexible and get your flu shot and  

4. Quarantine when you return. 


More information can be found on the Health Department website and you can email with questions.

Be prepared for Winter Weather.. HUMS is going outside!  

Monday and Tuesday... 

Thursday and Friday..

  As we transition into cooler weather (and days when the weather is totally unpredictable - see the pictures above, taken last week)   students need the following items each day: 

  • Hat, Boots, Mitten/Gloves, Warm Coat and if there's a sign of snow, snow pants. If rain is predicted, raingear, including boots and/or extra shoes is key.  It is MUCH more fun to be outside when you stay dry.  

  • Extra masks. Colder temperatures lead to masks "freezing up" and a wet, cold mask not only isn't comfortable, it doesn't work well either.

  • Extra clothes Pants, socks…  

  • We hope to offer some Winter activities during recess to keep our HUMS students active during the upcoming winter months. 

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

"Settling into This New Normal" w/ Kevin Gallagher. Hannah's House is hosting an online event with psychologist Kevin Gallagher on November 13 at 4pm via Zoom. "Settling Into This New Normal" will bring an uplifting perspective along with hope and helpful ideas to get better acclimated to this new normal of living in the time of a pandemic. He is a trusted source of guidance for families and his sense of humor is very engaging! He will be live on Zoom and will take your questions in the Zoom platform or you can email your questions in advance to: or call them in in advance to: 802-496-9715. 
       RSVP to this free event by emailing or by calling 802-496-9715 and the Zoom link will be sent to you.
       Kevin Gallagher is a psychotherapist in private practice in Burlington. He primarily works with adolescents, couples and families.
       *This event will be recorded by MRVTV and available online afterward. 

Everyone Eats!  Everyone Eats is a program that engages local restaurants to make to-go meals for anyone who has been impacted by COVID 19. Pick up is at Sugar Fish VT (not Sugarbush) on Saturdays from 11-1:00, 168 Fiddlers Green by the laundromat. You will receive one individually packaged frozen dinner for each person in your household.  Also, Farmers to Families Boxes are available first-come, first serve.  Sign up using the following link:  You will only need to enroll once.  Please come each week to pick up meals. If you have questions, call Jess Tompkins at  802-793-1116 or email 

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