Sunday, December 13, 2020

Harwood Middle School Blog update, December 13, 2020

An 8th Grade Scientist investigating the relationship between 
mass, volume, floating and sinking.  

7th Grade Mathematicians using natural light as a way to 
begin a unit on understanding scale/proportion through
scale factor posters.  

7th grade scientists are making connections about how our units of time correspond to astronomical events. Student noticed how the position of the Sun changed from the beginning of class to the end of class.


  • Starting Monday - December 7th we will be moving screening inside.  Harwood doors will continue to open at 7:45.  Upon arrival students will need to remain 6 feet apart while waiting to be screened.  Screening will be done inside the doors of the south entrance, back stairs and main lobby.  Please note that if you leave after drop off or your child arrives on the bus and needs to leave due to the screener a parent will need to come to pick up.  

  • Why are social gatherings prohibited right now?

             Vermont is seeing a surge in new COVID-19 cases. Recent data have shown that social 

              gatherings, both inside and outside, at homes, bars and social clubs, and among sports teams

             are currently driving outbreaks in Vermont. This is why there are restrictions on social 

              gatherings at this time.

This is what you cannot do:

  • You are not allowed to gather with people you don’t live with. This includes all inside and outside social, recreational and entertainment gatherings, and in public and private spaces. For example, this means you cannot go over to a family member or friend’s house or go to a restaurant with someone you don’t live with.

  • Visitors to Vermont cannot gather with Vermonters or with people from another traveling group. This includes sharing lodging with another household or traveling group. Travelers may not stay with a Vermont host or stay in a Vermont lodging establishment or short-term rental with another household. Even if they have completed a quarantine, or intend to quarantine with another household, they may not gather with another household in Vermont.

This is what you can do:

  • People who live alone may gather with people who live in one other household.

  • People can take in and shelter those from another household who are living in a dangerous, unhealthy or otherwise unsafe situation.

  • You can do outdoor fitness activities with one other person from another household. However, both of you must stay at least 6 feet away from each other and wear a mask at all times. For example, you can bike, hike, walk or run with one of your neighbors.

  • Visitors to Vermont can socialize only with the people they are traveling with.

More information can be found here and answers to FAQ’s can be found here.


Connected 7th graders "get to know each other" friendship lunch group in the new Wellness Center with Jen! All 7th graders will have a chance to be invited with Jen and a small group during middle school lunch.


  • Intradistrict School Choice for 21-22 is now open. Link to form is on this page:

  • Please remember to remind your HUMS student to complete the question of the day on asychronous so that he/she can be counted a present for this school day.

  • As we continue to prioritize safety and wellness at Harwood we ask you to complete this absence google form for every day your child is absent.  This provides us the information needed to follow up accordingly and support our ongoing decision making. 

  • Calendar reminders:

    • IMPORTANT - CALENDAR changes: in order to balance days of instruction please note that the week of Thanksgiving will have a different schedule:

      • 12/21 - Black cohort day (students who usually attend Mon/Tues)

      • 12/22 - Gold cohort day (students who usually attend Thurs/Fri)

    • 12/23 - 01/03 - December Vacation - NO School

    • 1/29 - Last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2 

Expectations for students when absent

  • Students are responsible for:

    • sending an email to all their teachers when they are absent.

    • communicating if they know they will be out multiple days they will let the teacher know and update as needed

    • checking google classroom to see what they need to complete

    • completing asynchronous assignments signing up for an ELO to work with their teacher

    • communicating with teachers if absent for more than three days to discuss what they need to complete to keep up with classroom expectations.



Dear HUUSD Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff,


During this time of additional and potential stressors, we want to offer care and support. To put it simply; it's a lot… but we can do difficult things. Students and/or families may be struggling with increased time at home, depression and anxiety, financial stressors, isolation from their friends and decreased access to their traditional support systems and activities. During stressful and uncertain times, there is potential for increased use of ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug) substances, suicidality, and other mental health conditions. As reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “younger adults, racial/ethnic minorities, essential workers, and unpaid adult caregivers have reported experiencing disproportionately worse mental health outcomes, increased substance use, and elevated suicidal ideation.”

There are many issues that can interfere with one’s ability to engage in their community and school. In addition to the other supports offered for student well being at this time, the Harwood Unified Union School District would like to remind families and caregivers of services and resources available to them. Please access a list of local resources here.

For additional resources and information, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @harwoodschoolcounseling.

Please contact Mara Urban with questions about ATOD resources or your students school counselor with specific questions or concerns about your student.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Mara Urban, Student Assistance Professional, (802) 882-1111

in collaboration with the CBMS and HUMS/HS School Counselors

Tara Cariano, HUHS School Counselor (802) 583-8152

Erin Dezell, HUHS School Counselor (802) 583-8149

Jen Dremiller, HUMS School Counselor & Wellness Center Counselor, (802) 583-8155

Jennifer Hempey, CBMS School Counselor (802) 583-8071 

Sally McCarthy, HUHS Director of School Counseling, (802) 583-8175

  • Everyone Eats!  Everyone Eats is a program that engages local restaurants to make to-go meals for anyone who has been impacted by COVID 19. Pick up is at Sugar Fish VT (not Sugarbush) on Saturdays from 11-1:00, 168 Fiddlers Green by the laundromat. You will receive one individually packaged frozen dinner for each person in your household.  Also, Farmers to Families Boxes are available first-come, first serve.  Sign up using the following link:  You will only need to enroll once.  Please come each week to pick up meals. If you have questions, call Jess Tompkins at  802-793-1116 or email 

We have posted revised bus routes which went into effect on Friday, 12/11. There are several changes throughout the district, so please take a moment to look at your students' routes.  If you have questions about the routes, please contact First Student at 244-6422.  The new routes are at

Harwood Introduces Transit Cards for All Bus Riders

Beginning Monday, December 14, Harwood Union Middle/High School Bus riders will be issued Harwood Transit cards (ZPass System) to assist school staff with identifying what students ride which bus each day regardless of any change in the bus they take to or from school.   This is more important than ever given during this  COVID school year.  Harwood will pilot this system in December with the goal of full implementation beginning January 2021.  Please contact Duane Pierson at with any questions.  

What is Zpass?  

ZPass is an innovative student electronic ridership system which provides school staff with the time, date and location that a student enters and exits a school bus. The program software is widely used and trusted by school districts across the nation. Each school bus is equipped with a Transit Card reader. As students enter and exit their bus, they simply tap or swipe their transit cards in front of the card reader located at the bus entry door. (See the pictures above) The system then records the time, date and location of entry or exit. This data is transmitted to a secure database only accessible to school administrative staff and authorized transportation staff. 

How will we use the Zpass system at Harwood?  

All Harwood bus riders will be required to swipe their Harwood Transit Cards when boarding, riding or departing a school bus. In the event a student loses their ID or it is damaged, they will receive an additional ZPass ID free of charge during our pilot time period.   If a student loses their ID, they will not be denied transportation; however they will need to obtain a replacement ID from the main office in a timely manner. Daily bus students will be required to use their Transit Card each time they enter or exit a bus.  At this time we are only utilizing this system for daily school bus transportation.  

When will Students begin using this system? 

  • On Monday, December 14, the Monday/Tuesday Bus Students (Harwood Gold Group)  will receive their cards (with a Harwood Lanyard) 

If a student does not receive a Transit Card they should see Nancy in the front office.  

  • On Tuesday, December 15, the Harwood Gold Group will use their cards as they board and exit their pm bus.

  • On Thursday, December 17, the Thursday/Friday Bus Students (Harwood Black Group)  will receive their cards (with a Harwood Lanyard) during TA.    

If a student does not receive a Transit Card they should see Nancy in the front office.  

  • On Friday, December 18, the Harwood Black Group will use their cards as they board and exit their pm bus

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Book Club for Parents: Never parented during a pandemic? We haven’t either! Join the MRV Libraries as we work towards adding some tools to our parenting toolkits with a new bookclub. During the first series we will read and discuss the book Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids: 7 Keys to Turn Family Conflict Into Cooperation which explores creating an environment based on mutual respect, emotional safety, and positive, open communication in our families and beyond. Through the generosity of co-sponsor Hannah’s House, copies of the book will be made available to participants. When registering, you are committing to the 3-part series. To encourage conversation, the group will be limited to 12 people. Tuesdays, December 15, December 29, January 12 at 6pm. Register here:

"Among Us" with the MRV Libraries: Fridays, 4-5:30pm, 11/20-12/18. Calling all crew and imposters! The MRV Libraries invite students in grades 5-8 to play the online game “Among Us” in a trusted environment. Can you spot the imposter and stop them before they destroy your ship and crew mates? Participation is limited to 10 players. You may register for one or more of the Friday sessions. When you register, you will receive a Zoom link and instructions for downloading the game before your session. Registration:

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