Sunday, January 31, 2021

Harwood Middle School Blog update, January 31, 2021

8th Grade Science Winners for the Amazing Element Savenger Hunt. Students end their unit
on understanding the many aspects of the elements that make up our planet.  
(Notice the cool cups!) 

Hello HUMS families,

I hope that you all enjoyed the recent amazing winter snow and sun!  In my humble opinion, winter always seems more bearable when the sun comes out.  Please make sure your HUMS son/daughter brings in their winter clothes so we can take advantage of the outdoors during recess, PE and some of our learning breaks! If you need assistance please let me know!

As enter a new semester would encourage you to ensure that your child’s health is in good condition each day before sending them to school. We have done a great job so far in keeping everyone healthy and want to congtInue to do so especially with the “regular” flu season being upon us. Please know that our staff remain vigilant in all they are doing, adjusting and improving the way we learn together given this unique year.   Your help and feedback with all of this is of course, greatly appreciated. We stand with you and want to make 2021 a great one.

*Please note that over the next few weeks you will be receiving information on many of the transitions (7th to 8th and 8th to Harwood Union High School) our students will make as they enter the 21-22 school year. Please let us know if there is anyway we can help make these transitions better for your family or student.

Duane Pierson HUMS,


8th Grade Scientist are curious to what happens when one throws hot water into the air
when its 15 degrees below zero Fahrenheirt? Is the water freezing midair? The big cloud is condensate, or water that has quickly condensed into tiny droplets, which is the same reason you can see your breath when it’s cold outside. The smaller streaks are from condensate coming off falling water droplets — not water that has frozen midair. Always something to be curious about in our amazing world no doubt!


7th grade artists in Mrs. Veriotto's class have been working on their scratchboards where they focus on making texture marks on a clay board. Here are their works in progress!

8th grade Historians are working on Civil War projects. Here a conservator is recreating a scene from the Battle of the Wilderness.  Students provided feedback on the displays. 

7th Grade Mathematician working on Scale Drawings. 
An amazing Marvin the Martian no doubt. 


  • IMPORTANT Please review the following School Bus Information


NOTICE:  Harwood Union Middle/High School Bus riders will be asked to utilize the Harwood Transit cards (ZPass System) to assist school staff with identifying what students ride which bus each day regardless of any change in the bus they take to or from school.   Students will be expected to swipe the card for both AM and PM bus routes - daily routes only. This is more important than ever given during this  COVID school year.   If students need a transit card please see Nancy Myrto.  If you have questions contact Duane Pierson at

Click on the link below to learn more about the Harwood Transit card system: 

Harwood Transit Card information

Snow Day Schedule:

Calendar reminders:

  • 02/01 - Quarter 3, Semester 2 Begins

  • 2/22 - 3/2 - No School - Winter Break


    • Please note the cohort day switch when we return from February break!. 

      • 03/04 - Black cohort day

      • 03/05 - Gold cohort day

Community Announcements
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

2021 Spring Lacrosse Registration @       Mad River Valley Youth Lacrosse will offer both girls and boys lacrosse again this year. There are four separate grade levels including k-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th and 7th-8th. Equipment will be provided for k-4th grade players as supplies allow. First timers are welcome at every level.
      Early Registration at is highly recommended as teams often fill to capacity. Player space is open on a first-come, first-serve basis. Team assignments will be provided by March 10, 2020. Mad River Youth Lacrosse encourages athletes who might play other spring sports to also play lacrosse.   Mad River Youth Lacrosse will also follow any additional guidance from the state as it relates to their return to play guidelines prior to returning to play. Should the pandemic continue and we are therefore unable to play we will provide refunds. 

Public Input Needed on Scrag Mtn Town Forest Trails     The Waitsfield Conservation Commission is seeking input from Valley residents and visitors on their experiences and hopes for recreational trails on the 750-acre Scrag Mountain Town Forest. There are two near-term opportunities to weigh in:

Please share your perspective on this important community asset! For further information, contact Conservation Commission Chair Phil Huffman at or trail consultant Mariah Keagy at



Updates from our Health Office:

As we continue to work to ensure our communities safety and wellness we ask for your continued partnership.  We are seeing an increase in the number of COVID close contact cases in the school community and we are entering the cold and flu season. It is critical that we continue to remain vigilant and follow our mitigation strategies and procedures. 

Students must complete the Harwood Daily Screening Form before school, sports practices and games.

If a student answers yes to ANY of the following 

Travel out of the state

Close Contact of a COVID positive person 

Household member under quarantine

Fever over 100.4

Shortness of Breath


Loss of taste or smell


Muscle or Body Aches


Sore Throat

Congestion/Runny Nose



STAY HOME from school and practices.

Additionally - please note that students will not be allowed to return to in person learning, sports practices, or games until they have been cleared by the school nurse. Students will be sent home from school, sports practices and games if they have not been cleared to return

What should you do?

  • Stay home!

  • Complete the school absence form daily

  • Contact your doctor or seek medical care

  • Get tested for COVID-19 if recommended

  • Self-isolate

  • Contact the school nurse with details and to ask questions 802-583-8151

  • Do not go to school or sporting events until you have been cleared to return by the school nurse.

  • If a COVID test was done, the test result must be reported to the school nurse before a clearance to return to school or sports activities will be permitted. 

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