Hello HUMS families,
I hope that you all enjoyed the recent amazing winter snow and sun! In my humble opinion, winter always seems more bearable when the sun comes out. Please make sure your HUMS son/daughter brings in their winter clothes so we can take advantage of the outdoors during recess, PE and some of our learning breaks! If you need assistance please let me know!
As enter a new semester would encourage you to ensure that your child’s health is in good condition each day before sending them to school. We have done a great job so far in keeping everyone healthy and want to congtInue to do so especially with the “regular” flu season being upon us. Please know that our staff remain vigilant in all they are doing, adjusting and improving the way we learn together given this unique year. Your help and feedback with all of this is of course, greatly appreciated. We stand with you and want to make 2021 a great one.
*Please note that over the next few weeks you will be receiving information on many of the transitions (7th to 8th and 8th to Harwood Union High School) our students will make as they enter the 21-22 school year. Please let us know if there is anyway we can help make these transitions better for your family or student.
Duane Pierson HUMS, dpierson@huusd.org
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