7th Graders creating hearts to be shared with the classmates. Valentine's Day comes at a perfect time of the year when everyone needs a bit of warmth in the middle of winter. |
Your Vote Matters! The detailed report of the 2022 HUUSD Budget, along with the schools annual report, can be found online here. You may call 802-583-7953 to request a printed copy of the budget. If you'd prefer a verbal review of the budget and/or to ask questions , please join the informational meeting being held via zoom (or you can watch on youtube) on March 1st at 6 p.m. (click on the following link to view information about the meeitng and ways to view it here) |
Free Meals for Children 18 & Younger
Last Reminder:
Updates from our Health Office: Travel & Quarantine Emergency Executive Orders continue to be in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Vermont. Gatherings with others who do not live within your home and non essential travel continue to be prohibited. If your student gathers with others who do not live in your home they should remain home, quarantine and get a COVID PCR test as soon as possible and then again on or after day 7 of quarantine. Remain home and in quarantine until you receive a negative test result. If you do not develop COVID symptoms your student may return to school once you have reported the negative test result to the school nurse. If you travel out of Vermont whether for a day trip or longer, you must quarantine in Vermont upon return for 14 days. You can end quarantine early if you do not develop symptoms of COVID-19, get a COVID-19 PCR test on or after Day 7, get a negative test result, and still do not have symptoms. The negative test result must be reported to the school nurse before a student will be cleared to return to school and sports. College students that attend school out of state, and within Vermont, must quarantine for 14 days upon return to your home. They should self isolate within the home until quarantine has ended. You can end quarantine early if you do not develop symptoms of COVID-19, get a COVID-19 PCR test on or after Day 7 of quarantine, get a negative test result, and still do not have symptoms. More information can be obtained at https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/travel-quarantine The Test Site Finder can help you find and schedule COVID testing near you. Until people are vaccinated and we know more, we need to follow all safety guidelines like wearing a mask out in public, washing your hands frequently, social distancing and following social gathering, travel and quarantine guidelines. Please report your test results, ask questions and get guidance from your school nurse. Thank you for doing your part in keeping our schools open and safe. Nurses Office Phone # 802-583-8151 Fax 802-882-1197 |
HUMS Engineers worked on teaming and problem sovling skills to create the largest cup tower during their Teacher Advsory Time. The winning team created a 90 inch masterpiece. |
CURIOUS Curious about how Harwood assesses students? The following link will take you to our guide that is designed to provide students and their families with a thorough understanding of Proficiency-based Education. The guide includes general information about the Principles and Practices of Proficiency-based Education. It also includes information specific to how student learning is reported. Lastly, it provides details on how to access information about student progress in our Proficiency-based reporting system, JumpRope. Your recent Jump Rope progress report should have included a link to this guide. Please review the document and email dpierson@huusd.org if you have questions. LINK: Harwood's Assessment System |
HUMS scientist creating molecules and compounds out of gumdrops. (Please note that no gumdrops were harmed during this activity - mostly) |
Everyone Eats and Share MRV Free Healthy Meals Free meals are available to anyone in the community who has been impacted in any way by the pandemic. Not only will you get a delicious meal, but you are helping your local economy by supporting a valley restaurant and its employees. Come to the Big Picture Theater and grab a meal for you and your neighbor on Saturdays 11-1:00.
For more information, call 8802-505-9149 or send an email to ShareMRA @gmail.com.
She's the First Harwood Union High School "She’s the First" group is running a raffle to raise money to send girls to school who are the first in their families to attend high school in Ethiopia and Uganda. We have gathered prizes from many local restaurants and businesses including Mad River Taste Place, Tucker Hill Inn, Vermont North Ski Shop, Sweet Spot, Waterbury Sports and many more! Tickets are $5, or a book of 5 for $20. To purchase a ticket, please email shesthefirsthu@gmail.com with your name, email, phone number, mailing address, and preferred method of payment. Payment can be accepted through Paypal (shesthefirsthu@gmail.com) or Venmo (@shesthefirsthu). Cash and checks (payable to She’s the First Harwood Union) can be mailed to Kate Stauss at Harwood Union High School, 458 VT RTE 100 Moretown, VT 05660. The raffle drawing will be over Zoom on March 8th (International Women’s Day), along with a showing of a short film, Brave Girl Rising. An email with the zoom link will be sent to you after you purchase a ticket (you do not need to be present to win a prize). Please email krush2021@huusd.org if you have any questions. Help us support this important cause!
2021 Spring Lacrosse Registration @ www.
Early Registration at www.madriverlax.com is highly recommended as teams often fill to capacity. Player space is open on a first-come, first-serve basis. Team assignments will be provided by March 10, 2020. Mad River Youth Lacrosse encourages athletes who might play other spring sports to also play lacrosse. http://www.mrvrd.org/2020/04/
Public Input Needed on Scrag Mtn Town Forest Trails The Waitsfield Conservation Commission is seeking input from Valley residents and visitors on their experiences and hopes for recreational trails on the 750-acre Scrag Mountain Town Forest. There are two near-term opportunities to weigh in:
- Attend a virtual public forum on Monday, February 1st from 7:30-8:30 pm via Zoom - https://tnc.zoom.us/j/
94557295475; - Complete a brief online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.
com/r/W7V3PHT by 5:00 pm on Friday, February 12th.
Please share your perspective on this important community asset! For further information, contact Conservation Commission Chair Phil Huffman at phil@madriver.com or trail consultant Mariah Keagy at mariah@sinuosity.net.
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